Pathway Mapping Work Team
Creating draft pathway visualizations to illuminate paths to high-wage, high-demand careers for students and families from underrepresented groups
Developing recommendations for greater pathway alignment across secondary and postsecondary education
Working with advisors to understand how students and families learn about and make decisions about pathways
Amy Aldridge | Vice Provost, Academic Programs, Middle Tennessee State University
Liza Ambrose | Manager, Computer Science Endorsement Pathway, Tennessee Department of Education
Jeremy Calico | High School Initiatives Director, Nashville State Community College
Cara DeLoach | Policy Researcher, Tennessee Board of Regents
Stacey Foster | CTE Coordinator, Metro Nashville Public Schools
Victoria Harpool | Senior Director of Academic Affairs & Strategic Alignment, TN Higher Education Commission
Laura Herrell | Project Director, New Skills Ready, Nashville Area Chamber of Commerce
Andrew Hunt | Strategic Initiatives Manager, Tennessee College Access and Success Network
Melissa Jaggers | President & CEO, Alignment Nashville
Lanedria Marshall | Academy Coach, Maplewood High School
Dan Phillips | Director of Academies of Nashville, Metro Nashville Public Schools
Evann Vrana-Gerber | Director of Education and Workforce Partnerships, Nashville Area Chamber of Commerce
Tyler Welch | Academy Coach, Pearl-Cohn High School
Outcome 1.1: Students, families, faculty, and staff understand how pathways transition from secondary to postsecondary education institutions.
1.1.1: Complete mapping the health science pathway and map an information technology pathway using the same methodology.
1.1.2: Translate pathway maps into multiple languages used within MNPS schools. Ensure key terms used within the maps are defined in a way that facilitates easy understanding.
1.1.3: Share pathway maps with advisors, students, and families including at the middle school level; capture feedback and determine what changes need to be made.
1.1.4: Evaluate impact of mapping, document process, and determine a mechanism for carrying the work forward.
Outcome 1.2: Pathways at secondary and postsecondary institutions are better aligned.
1.2.1: Document pathway advising at secondary and postsecondary partners; work with Postsecondary Transitions team to align advisement for students across institutional tiers.
1.2.2: Develop systems-level recommendations to increase pathway alignment from K-12 through postsecondary and share with key stakeholders.