P O S T S E C O N D A R Y  T R A N S I T I O N S



Seamless Advising Summit

The NSR Postsecondary Transitions work team hosted Nashville's very first Seamless Advising Summit on September 19, 2024!

Advising professionals (high school-based, postsecondary, academic, counseling, community-based, and others) who attended created a collaborative environment, focusing on enhancing the effectiveness and equity of student advising across institutions. In addition to participating in learning sessions, attendees also made cross-institutional connections and received information from organizations at the Resource Fair.

GEAR UP: I'm Accepted, Now What? Workshop

In April 2024, GEAR UP Nashville partnered with Oasis College Connection to host a college transition event for the GEAR UP class of 2024 at First Horizon Park! 

Titled "I'm Accepted, Now What?", the event had 187 college-bound students participate by celebrating their acceptances, connecting with college representatives, and preparing for the next steps in their educational journeys. Students who had outstanding admissions documents were able to work with staff from MNPS, colleges, and Oasis College Connection to submit anything that was missing.

One of the best parts? The iconic guitar-shaped scoreboard at First Horizon displayed each student's name, face, high school, and college destination! Kudos to the collaborators for this impactful event. 

Mayor O'Connell Approves Use of Nashville GRAD Funds for Nashville Flex

The Nashville Flex pilot was funded by the Kresge Foundation in January 2022 and supported over 60 students. Since its implementation, the scholarship has seem numerous successes:

Combined, Nashville GRAD and Nashville Flex currently assists more than 400 students at Nashville State, and just over 50 percent of those students are first-generation college students.

2023 Chamber Education Report

The Nashville Area Chamber of Commerce releases an annual Education Report in which a committee of business and community leaders study an education topic and release a set of commendations and recommendations to the community. The 2023 report focused on K-12 Postsecondary Advising and featured some of the work of New Skills Ready in this area.

Momentum Metrics

The Nashville team has used the Momentum Metrics developed by Education Strategy Group and added additional postsecondary metrics as a set of measures we want to use to evaluate our work. Our team has identified calculations for each metric. Click below to access the document.

NSR Momentum Metrics Detailed.pdf

Advising Framework

Through a collaborative process, New Skills Ready Nashville developed a College and Career Advising Framework spanning middle school through postsecondary. The framework developed will be piloted in the 2022-2023 academic year. Click below to access the document.

2022-2023 Advising Framework (1).pdf

2022 Policy Scan

Our partners at the Tennessee College Access and Success Network (TCASN) interviewed education stakeholders to identify the federal, state, and local policy barriers preventing students from enrolling and completing postsecondary education. 

TCASN will update the scan annually for New Skills Ready - Nashville to continue to identify opportunities to remove systemic barriers to seamless postsecondary transitions for success.

Baseline Advising Report

Our partners at the Scarlett Family Foundation interviewed advising practitioners in Metro Nashville Public Schools and community partner organizations. This report documents current best practices, challenges, and opportunities for college and career advising from the perspective of advising professionals like school counselors, Academy coaches for the Academies of Nashville, and nonprofit partners for the four New Skills high schools (Maplewood, Overton, Pearl-Cohn, and Whites Creek).

Baseline College and Career Advising Report.pdf


Bridge to Completion

Explore annual data on postsecondary access and success for Nashville's public school graduates from the Nashville Public Education Foundation and the Tennessee College Access and Success Network.